Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Design Design Desgin !


The early parts of this week has seen many fine alterations to the design of my logo; and its still not quite there. However, I believe that it is very easy to fuss over things too much and perhaps compromise the integrity of the design and undo all the hard work.

Quite uncharacteristically I found myself deflated and with my mind on other things; knowing this to be the case I decided it best that I left the creative and developmental work (knowing that I would only have to do it again anyway). As a result, I concentrated my efforts on creating the page structure of the CO-ID and the basic structure of the CD (front, back, inside, etc) so that my efforts were not wasted.

The ramifications of my overly long presentation for A6 has now become apparent; the presentation has to be redone in front of the whole class. This was a concept that originally I wasn't too phased by but now that we have a date for them, the pre-presentation anxieties are creeping in.


Further development of the Corporate Identity was the focal point of today for me. I was surprised how much of the information in there regarding the logo use was (in my opinion) common sense but yet I just couldn't help taking pleasure in knowing that I had written it! Whilst perhaps not totally independent just yet, the self directed seminar classes (go team Alpha!) are working really well. I do feel as though we are all growing and developing not only as designers but as people as well; the seminar classes only emphasis the fact.

Since the beginning of this semester there has been a significant improvement in time planning and evaluation of performance; still room to improve but that can only be a good thing.


- Finalise final stages of the logo.

- Finalise corporate Identity work.
- Develop ideas for the CD artwork.


Thanks for reading

Shaun Bellis

Quote of the week

Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.” - E. Joseph Cossman


Tom Smith said...

One thing to say about your logo... I don't think the m looks quite right at the top. The dip in the middle looks a bit weird where you've moved some things around, and the stroke isn't a consistent weight. I also don't really like Arial Rounded at all- but that's just personal preference.

Craig Burgess said...

I'm with Tom - I think the curves on the M needs a lot of work. Also, I don't think it looks very 'Electronic', but it's probably too late to pick a different logo now.

Shaun Bellis said...

The 'M' is what is going to either make or break this logo! I knew that from the ofset.

It has already undergone development but in keeping with the original idea.

The typeface is only a starting point, it has already undergone stylization and requires many other 'tweaks' to get it just right.

The 'electronic' feel that you mentioned before Craig will become a little more evident when I have finished playing around with the typeface; the idea is that it looks like a digital sound wave.

I will be honest, I have found this part of the brief quite difficult. Logo development has proven to be more complex than I first thought.

However, I am sure that this is just teething problems and that it will all come together.


Shaun Bellis

Webomatic said...


I like your logo its came along far since the first initial designs. I’m glad to see that you have reduced the line in the middle of the M to add a bit more contrast. Although to me the M its self still doesn’t look right. The first curve in the middle of it looks a bit weird. Also on the t the right cross over part looks to be longer than the left which makes it look less consistent.

Thanks, Martyn

Rebecca Bradley said...

I like your logo its coming along really good. I think that the font has a really good flow to it which is easy to read and is bold so it stands out really good.

Gary Benn said...

I think your logo looks much better without the keyline.

I think it would be a good idea to let the logo drop for a week and come back to it with a fresh head. But it is getting there. As with the other comments above it is the m which needs to be worked on a bit more.

Have you tried using some other rounded typeface other than Arial? I don't think it works if you edit the typeface too much, it looses too much of its original integrity. I definitely think you should look into new typefaces.

You seem to be making progress thought! Keep at it!

John Browne said...

Hmmmmmm, I dont know about breaking the logo. But make is a factor that will happen.

I beleive you have it in you to make this simple but unique idea stand out from the crowd.

I too have started the CD art work now. I think it will be interesting to see what everyone is building out of this design task. Not only that, I'm looking forward to listning to some of the CD's we've been lisning to during this task and how diffrenciated or alike it may be towards the designs.