Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Welcome Back!

Good Points

The introduction to this terms assignment I felt went very smoothly. Visit by Jonny Haynes from the Sheffield based company Technophobia was fantastic. Although I enjoyed Jonny's presentation, I feel that being the inquisitive individual that I am (understatement I hear you cry) I personally got more from the seemingly informal question and answer session. It was great to see yet another success story originating from the course.

The new assignments are now well underway and the sketchbook evidence is mounting up nicley. Whilst this period, including over the holidays, has seen a significant improvement in the amount of sketchbook work, I am under no doubt that there will have to be much more to come before A1 will be satisfied; its going to have to be a busy few weeks.

The new seminar groups have been selected in accordance with which assignment we opted for during the holidays. We are as yet to receive our grades for the previous assignment; however I wouldn't necessarily say that this is a bad thing as it has kept moral high and allowing all of us to concentrate on the new assignments.

Things that could have been better.

I can honestly say that I am satisfied with how thing have gone and wouldn't have changed a thing.


  • Carry on the progression of my logo.
  • Hit the time sheets hard.
  • Ensure that the 'big picture' is in the forefront of my mind as well as working on the details.

I have also found some information regarding Royal Mail's envelope branding guidelines which may be of use for this and future assignments.

Thanks for reading.

Shaun Bellis

Quote of the week

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep" - Scott Adams


Rebecca Bradley said...

I think that making sure that we have lots of inspiration in are sketch books will really help on this assignment. As we will be able to look back at these when we are producing are creative work for this assignment.

Mark Torrington said...

Great quote Shaun!.

The informal presentation from Jonny was an inspiration to the entire group as an ambassador for Wakefield College, Jonny’s achievements demonstrate a commitment to succeed.

Are you posting any of your logos up this week?

Shaun Bellis said...

Thanks everyone

I am glad that you enjoyed the quote... I was beginning to think that no one actually read those things.

I am trying to source a scanner so that I can get the logo's from my sketchbook to my journal.


Shaun Bellis

Suzanne Hullah said...

From the email that Gary has sent our group today, I think it would be an excellent idea to also post the same set of developed logos on our journals to extend the need for feedback to everyone on here. Therefore providing even more evidence for the learning outcomes!