Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Working from home

Reading week journal entry...


  • Prepare a five minute long presentation to satisfy Learning outcome 4.4 (Ideas Generation) surrounding the different cultural perceptions and interpretations of the colour 'Orange'.
  • Composition and publication of this week’s online learning journal.
  • Secure personal hosting complete with professional, suitable domain name.
  • Ensure that I have posted comments on at least 32 other peoples journal entries since the beginning of the course.
  • Read and implement the communications guidelines to be posted by Steve Smith in this journal.
  • Read and annotate the next two assignments ready for next week.

Good Things

I have really enjoyed working at home. I feel as though with a little more self-discipline, my place of residence would provide me with a very productive working environment.

Though out my research into the psychological affects and cultural perceptions of colour (not just the colour I have been assigned), it has really opened my eyes to the fact that society plays a large part in how we interpret things.

It is now my understanding that the colours companies use in their corporate identity give off similar subconscious messages to body language.

I feel that people and companies should be very aware of the colours they use.

Having already had my own hosting and domain name has slightly relieved the pressures off this week.

Bad Things

Whilst I have thoroughly enjoyed this weeks tasks, I have found that it is quite easy to become distracted at whilst working from home. I have been fortunate that for the majority of it I have had the house to myself.

In closing

I am happy that we are going to get our first presentation out of the way as I believe that we all need the practice; the first is the worst.

I am pleased with the level of productivity produced by myself when working from home.

I feel that the group is beginning now to really bond. Almost everyone made a real effort to ensure that we were all in communication through today and yesterday and that people knew what they were supposed to do.

Well done to everyone who managed to do everything they were asked.

Quote of the week...

“People can have the Model T in any color - so long as it's black” - Henry Ford


Anonymous said...

Ooo ... you were just about to get a snotty email for not doing it on time.

Michelle Bonfield said...

I completely empathise with you about distractions at home. I live in a shared house with three other people and my PC is in the lounge! Right now they're all watching a dvd while I'm trying to redeem myself to Steve and the rest of the group by writing endless comments!

So,I too have overcome these minor difficulties and managed to work pretty productively so far this week, apart from lack of communication.

You are definately forming a central role in the group, especially in terms of promoting communication. Thanks for the link to MSN but I can't get it to download at the moment(not an excuse)! But I will.

Good luck with the rest of the week.

Tom Smith said...

I'd just like to reinforce what Michelle said about you promoting communication within the group, and helping us all to be accountable to each other. I think it's good to establish this accountability early on to ensure we're all kept in line by each other!

Not only does this help us all get more out of the course, it will hopefully mean Steve doesn't have to spent time chasing people up- something that will make his job a lot easier!

Liam Corfield said...

i alos understand the distarctions at home, i get them all the time, and it ot had to keep on track, they bast way to do this is to blockout everything that isnt relevent. that usually works for me.

Anonymous said...

Date stamp and time zone test.

Rebecca Bradley said...

Glad to know that you have found the task interesting. It looks like you know what your doing for your presentation.

Well done.

John Browne said...

Distraction is one of the main things I cant generally escape. As you may have already noticed I am a pretty hyperactive guy with tons of energy bursting out. Not only do I get distractions from family members and my partner, but I also tend to get a lot of distractions from friends online which is why you generally see me messaging you over msn and appearing offline...

Andrew said...

I know how home distractions can really make it hard to work to your full potential, it's good to see you soldiering on through and keeping your head up high.

I agree with Michelle about the fact your taking a central role within the group, it happened pretty much from the first few days; organising that email to provide everyone with their emails and msns, enabling us to speak alot easier. You are definately a big voice within the group and add much needed information and insights in group/class discussions.

Anonymous said...

The requested 'Comments Timestamp Format' has not been implemented.