Tuesday, 26 February 2008

CGI Heaven

10:48am on Monday the 25th of February 2008

After many stressful hours, buckets of blood, sweat and tears and enough elbow grease to fuel the proverb itself for years to come, my feedback form works!

After travelling down just about every avenue in a desperate hope to rectify the problem, with the very much appreciated help of Sue and Greg, we deduced that the issue was simply (tuft) the location of the send mail program.

The time spent trying to resolve this issue has not been a complete waste as I now feel as though I have a much greater understanding of the process than what I perhaps would have had if it had worked first time.

The only problem now is that I have gone form mad! After I realised that the same engine (script) can be used with many different forms, I set about creating my usability testing form ONLINE!

This might be described as some as a novelty; however, I believe that many people are lazy and unenthusiastic about filling in questionnaires in general so anything that makes the questionnaire easier to fill in can only make it more inviting and more likely to get filled in.

Today’s timed task highlighted to me the importance of each lecture. Whilst I have read and understood the notes from last week, it is no substitute for actually being there for the class.

Whist I liked how the final piece turned out, I do feel that it would have benefited greatly from my presence in the lecture; I cannot help but think that I 'played it safe' in fear of making an obvious fundamental errors.

I still have a lot of work to do over this week in order to successfully meet the submission dates; undoubtedly my illnesses has had a baring on my workload and performance; however I will simply have to preserver.

Quote of the week

"It MUST be the hosting ... its configured correctly I am sure of it!" - Shaun Bellis (famous last words)


John Browne said...

Hey Shaun, playing it safe in design can sometimes prove to your advantage, and can also be very rewarding.

I agree that a lecture attended is a lot better then copying notes due to absence.

Illness has also struck me and has make a small effect on my work. I know how it feels, having to catch up constantly as I have reffered every assignment so far.

I beleive you will pull through as you always do. Keep a strong head and show us all what your made of Shaun......

Im rooting on you!

Victoria Fisher said...

When designing for A6 I have been playing it safe with the designs, but doing that has not made me happy with the work I have produce. The main thing though is that we get the work in on time and over time we should improve. By getting the work finish in good time and to a good standard.

Mark Torrington said...

Like you Shaun it took me a while to validate the script. Well done that Man! You have really gone to town by completing the usability test online, is seemed to work well.

Liam Corfield said...

Hi Shaun

I bet your feeling exstatic about geting the PERL script to work, i was trying to get FormMail to work, i fiddled with the script for a week, still had no luck, so i changed the script.

i got the new script to work in less thatn 10 mins!! its a great feeling.

Webomatic said...

Hi Shaun

I also think you can never actualy beet being in class when a lecture is taking place however you can't help it if you fall ill so aslong as you catch up you should be ok.

I also feel as if i undershot my work mainly because i was scared to do things wrong however i still had problems doing it the simple way, so i am glad i did do it simple.

I like your design you did with the newspaper however i would sujest making your name smaller as in news papers and such the name of the auther is often a lot smaller than the actual text size.

Thanks, Martyn

Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Everyone

Thank you for the great comments and feedback.

It would appear that many of us have gone for the safer option by the sounds of things.

It would have been all too easy to get carried away and over complicate things resulting in problems.

Martyn, I have to agree with you about the size of the by-line on this weeks timed assignment. I think that there was an issue of school boy pride with what I had done and so wanted to give it equal importance to the body text; in hindsight, this perhaps was not the best approach for the design.


Thanks again everyone

Shaun Bellis

Webomatic said...

Hi Shaun

I thorght thta might be the case. Even though i diddn't do the timed task i was running it through in my mind and thinking of my own design for it and i would have probably done the same thing.

Thanks, Martyn