Many of us have been talking about how much we far we have progressed over this last year, but in reality, it has only actually been a little over 8 months; it typically takes longer for a child to be born! I have a real sense of achievement and feel quite humble.
The transition from full time employment in the big bad world to returning to formalities of education has certainly not been a frictionless process; and to be very honest there are still parts of me that find it difficult to adjust at times.
The level of support that I have personally received so far has been outstanding. Ranging from my tutors to class mates to my friends, family and most of all my fiancée Elizabeth, every step of the way for each time I have stumbled, there has always been someone there to get me back on my feet; Thank you to you all.
Throughout the course of the year, we have had a barrage of visitors to the class all from very different backgrounds and with very different futures. The first of which was from the Design Mechanics. The added benefit with this was that fact that two of the designers working for the company originated from this very course. Jemma and Oliver were model example of what can be achieved with a little hard work. Whilst the Design Mechanics generally regarded as being a ‘stepping stone’ for new designers; it can be perceived as a great first step. The visits were fuelled by the return of previous students; I cannot think of a better compliment to the course and its staff than its produce coming back to help those following in their footsteps.
I have already mentioned that the transition back into education wasn’t as smooth as I would have liked but to add insult to injury a little over 4 weeks into the first semester I was faced with a very serious personal problem resulting in me leaving my home and family to seek new accommodation. This had a serious affect on my concentration, motivation and emotions and undoubtedly my performance; this is much easier to see now looking back.
The recovery was not a quick process and to be honest, I see it as one of those life-changing events from which things are never the same; however, submission dates wait for no man so I had to try and get back to a sense of normality as soon as possible.
A2 – That’s the Plan!
The submission of our first formal assignment (A2) quickly came around; I was full of pride based confidence and bursting with enthusiasm that I had completed my first ever web plan. However, the joyous occasion was short lived as the project that I had given life to had not made the pass grade; needless to say I did not take the news well.Fortunately, the support from the teaching staff, class mates and family was outstanding and quickly I found myself on my feet again. The referral work comprised mainly of many small alterations; finishing off if you like but cumulatively were quite a drain on my already strained timetable. The amount of time estimated to do this work was, in my opinion, seriously underestimated on my part.
As a recommendation from both the tutor and a class mate, I read a book by Steve Krug called “Don’t make me think!” is a fantastic book surrounding web usability that I would recommend to anyone. Accessibility and usability is becoming ever more important as the number of people now being diagnosed with dyslexia and other such learning difficulties is on the increase and as students with professional aspirations, we have to know how to accommodate and work with these conditions.I think that one of the issues surrounding the adaptation from ‘real life’ to ‘student life’ was building new working relationships and establishing boundaries. During which stage there was a miss wire somewhere between what was being asked of us, as a class, and what we were doing, as a class. It became apparent that we were treated as a collective and that if the majority did not do what was required then the class had to endure the related punishments to which I did not feel was fair. Somewhat intentionally, I invoked a discussion regarding the subject to try to get a resolve; I am pleased to report that we do not appear to have any / many problems like this anymore.
A3 - Back to Basics
This assignment saw a great opportunity to show off what we had learned in A2. I have always been told that ‘the first is the worst’ and that certainly was the case here. The improvements and levels of confidence were certainly noticeable.I felt much more comfortable with elements such as the competitive analysis and assets list. I could feel things clicking into place… the right place.
This web plan encompassed an element of writing and collation of imagery, which was extra to the requirements of A2 but it also gave it a feeling of reality. A5 – Builder was coming; I could feel it and couldn’t wait.Having the referral work to do for A2 at the same time as creating the first submission for A3. I do feel however that this gave A3 a bit of a step up with regards its standards.
A4 – Image Rights
This unit was at the time the first practical based assignment of the year and it was a welcomed change from the theoretical based A3 & A4. The image restoration task proved to be the most enjoyable for me. I was able to pull on my previous experiences of image manipulation from my previous job.The timed tasks, namely the creation of the web banners, gave me a clear insight into the amount of work that can be achieved in a short period of time when specifically encouraged; something that I have tried to replicate during self-study with limited success.
The image compression aspect of the assignment was particularly interesting to me. I previously had and understanding of the existence of the different file types but not about the instances in which they intended to be used; this certainly is one lecture that will always stay in the forefront of my mind.
A5 – Builder
The A5 was the build of the A3 assignment. The largest frustration that I endured during this unit was adhering to the quite basic screen design(s) that I had generated previously. I miss understood the fact that alterations were in fact permitted to the design so long as they were in keeping with the original flavour and development work was shown.There had always been an air of haze surround web based form for me before doing this unit. Sites that I had created previously would have benefited dramatically from the facilities offered by formail for example.
Having been bitten by the CGI bug (no pun intended) I decided to test out my new found talent by creating and online feedback come usability questionnaire form. I feel that the form was a complete success and gave a very professional feel to the project.
A6 – Revert to Type
This typographic unit opened my eyes to a world which I had always taken for granted before. I had previously never bore any consideration as to where the typefaces originated from nor the complexities involved in their creation.The famous typographer presentation didn’t go as well as I would have wanted it to. Almost predictably running long on my first presentation by about a minute and a half resulted in having to do the presentation again but this time in front of the whole class.
The resubmission of this presentation coincided with the discovery that I had referred the A5 – Builder unit. The grade (or lack of it) was on the wall, which was fine but there wasn’t an opportunity to ask for any feedback to put my mind at ease before the resubmission of the presentation.
Needless to say the resubmission, in spite of the preparation, went appallingly. I was embarrassed and ashamed at my performance and at the same time angry with myself for referring the A5 unit. It was not a pleasant time for me.
After a bit of a talk with the tutor and a third attempt at the presentation calm was restored to an otherwise uncomfortable period of time.
A7 – Whaling Whales
Finishing this assignment gave me a grate sense of pride. We were able to draw on all of the experiences and education of the college year and produce something that in my opinion looks really professional. The best piece of advice that I received for this project was to print the CD artwork on gloss paper - and what a difference it made!I still feel as though there is scope for improvements as with any piece of work and given the opportunity again I feel that I would still come up with the same solution. I am over the moon with the result.
I did create a range of solutions almost to the point of completion which were also aesthetically pleasing however, they were unsuitable for the CMYK print process.
The unit has given me the confidence boost that I so desperately needed.
What would I do differently?
- First on the list has to be to seriously reduce the amount of hours that I worked during the first year. There is no doubt in my mind that it had a drastically negative impact on my performance.
- Second on the list has to be to seriously reduce the amount of hours that I worked during the first year – it really is that important!
- Follow up lectures above and beyond; the lectures are only supposed to be an introduction to the subject.
- Adhere to time planning and production schedule and always complete a week early for checking / improvements.
Thoughts about the next year?
I am really looking forward to next year, having read some of the journal and talking to now second years the units sound fantastic. I am particularly looking forward to the client work.
- Ensure that time planning is follow regimentally from the outset.
- Work through tutorials and practice, practice, practice with the software applications until their use become second nature.
- Improve time planning.
- Surround myself with inspiration and good design.
Word Count: 1,789
Thanks for reading
Quote of the year Awarded to…
“The way to learn to do things is to do things. The way to learn a trade is to work at it. Success teaches how to succeed. Begin with the determination to succeed, and the work is half done already.” – Source Unknown.
Hi Shaun
I too think that it’s gone way too fast. I also remember trying hard t get everyone’s names right in the circle game, since then so much has changed. Like you said it hasn’t really been a full year so that should be something to spur you on that we have all came so far in such little time.
I think your right on the ball mentioning support, friends are a big part of and so are our tutors. Like I’ve said before this course has been a big changed compared to hat I did last year. But to also go with that I found the experience very enjoyable and can’t help thinking where will I go next.
I agree with you on Change, but I wouldn’t actually change anything what I’ve done in the first year. Although I have made some mistakes I think it is only things that can be improved. As so rightly said by some of the second years.
After seeing the second years work I am very exited about reaching the second year, but also a little scared. The main reason being they have so much skill since moving onto the second year, this is due to a lot of the time they put in at home and over the summer which is exactly what I want to do, to improve my skill as a designer but to also improve my self and the quality of work that I produce.
Thanks, Martyn
I also think that having students that have been on the course and now are in employment is inspiring.
As this gives us a better idea of what it is like to be employed in the industry and can see how far they have come from doing the course and how much they have learnt from having a job in graphic and web design.
Shaun, you were vocalising your frustrations to me the other day about referring assignments. Despite this, it's clear you've come a long way this year. You've also had a lot of other thing's in your personal life to think about. You've made an effort to identify the problem (hours working) and combat it. I hope the problems will soon be resolved and you'll be able to work up to your potential.
Hi Shaun,
Impressive entry, I think you may have actualy covered everything over the last 8 months.
I remember the first day in, but I'm not 100% sure if there was a drop of the ball?? I wonder if anyone else can remember at all.
Another great and rewarding task covered on the first day, was one not to ever forget. The team activity of saving a falling egg. This for me was a very good task which also allowed us to show some form of creativity with out even thinking about been creative. I guess it goes to show that creativity doesn't always have to be something that is designed.
Looking up your thoughts. I too am looking forward to next year with the bunch of pro's I have come to know. I hope next year offers both rewarding and educational prospects just like it has this year.
A lot of the things that you would have done different, I wish I would of done different too. I have found it hard to have a job and doing my course work. If I could I wouldn’t have a job, so I would forces more on my course work. One thing I would say to the next first years, would be to not to work for more than 15 hour.
I think out of everyone one the course I can relate to you the most. Like you I share the massive pressures of trying to earn a living and study full time. Equally I started the course with my fair share of issues which had obvious implications for my performance.
However, like they say 'What doesn't kill you will make you stronger'(I know how you love quotes!). And you know what Shaun, we're both still here!
I know for a fact it is this drive and passion which ensure we will succeed, not just on the course but in whatever we put our minds to.
For a start, I'd like to mention with both Gary and I think James dropped the ball, since James is a Newcastle fan we can let him off somewhat; he's under enough stress.
Once again Shaun, your abilities to conclude, summarize and evaluate have been brought out in full force. I really think you've got indepth with this post, it's important to not only mention the work but how you've felt along the course, as in my eyes it really has gone hand in hand. I think from your personal experience you know this two, you've had ups and downs with both and being such a big character in the group (pardon the pun) we've all felt it.
It's good to see you made it out the other side in one piece and ready for what next year can bring. Like Tom you also have a good thirst for knowledge that will stand you in good stead in the future, just try not let it waiver!
Hi shaun,
Nice evaluation for the end of the year. It will come in handy for the presentation next year.
The speed the past 8 months has gone by is quite scary but so true. I Think not only the transition from work back into education, but the transition from FE to HE is equally so for people who are not ready.
I have to agree about the support from teaching staff and help from our peers has been an invaluable resource during the first two semesters.
You have some nice goals for the second year and I can actually relate to them all and are included in my targets.
I plan to use resources a lot over the summer to improve on my weaknesses in various pieces of software - especially photoshop for me.
Work is a hard one... Its a vicious circle and I am also in it too. I have cut down my hours dramatically over the last 8 months. But everyone needs to work, some more than others, its a hard one as we need to work to pay for the course and to live, yet we need that time to do our college work. If only Camelot gave money to people who actually needed it.
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