Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Half Term

Half term so far has meant to me two days working at home! The relaxed atmosphere has given me chance to work out some of the more 'niggly' issues with the current projects.

I think I have been quite fortunate compared to some of my classmates as other than a CGI related issue (which I am blaming on how I have set my hosting up) the build has been quite smooth sailing for me.

Given more time, I would like to change the design of the A5 build, however, whilst the aesthetics is less than perfect (understatement) the functionality and practicality of the site works well and it would be a shame to jeopardise that for the sake of vanity.

I am keen to get on with the usability testing of the site so any help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.

See the site here.

Quote of the week

“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.”
- Chinese Proverb.


Tom Smith said...

Shaun, I was thinking about the trouble you were having with the CGI script, and think it may be due to the fact that shaunbellis.co.uk is based under sludgepuppies.co.uk or whatever is it. It may be that you need to allow the @referers field in the Perl script to allow mail from sludgepuppies.co.uk rather than shaunbellis.co.uk, or maybe both just to be safe.

Hope that makes sense!

Let me know how it goes!

Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Tom

It would appear we are singing off the same page here. I have already tried it with each url individually and with both!

I think that its bad practice to have my site running 'piggy back' off the sludgepuppies hosting; as a result I am waiting until I get paid and I am going to get the site its own hosting.

The CGI script is really simple to use and I understand how it works; fingers crossed this will solve the issue.

Thanks for you help!

Mark Torrington said...

Although I have not full tested your site it appears to be working fine. In fact, as you increase the size of the font the site looks even better – firefox (mac). Maybe by adding an image as your header you could improve the overall appearance. I feel that your choice of colour is appealing to the target audience.

Gary Benn said...

I like the way you have made the letters in your content bold for the abbreviations.

Looking back i wish i had done this as it would have allowed me more descriptive words.

I will bear it in mind for future projects!

DREW said...

I like your site it looks really smooth and neat. Are you going to style your links? I think you need to consider the links that are on more than one line. If you can try and rename then so they fit on one line or else make it obvious at first glance that they are seperate to the links about or below, you could do think with alternating colours or borders.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Drew

Yes I do have a plan for links, I just have to ensure I record the development in the sketchbook.

With regards the name of the links, in particular the ones on the right, we are unable to alter the names at all (it was part of the brief).

Thank you for the complement about the site; however, there are MANY things that I'd change given the time.