Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Happy Holidays...

Following the advice of a wise man, I have altered my approach and rolls in many things since I started this course; much to my benifit.

In spite of the turbulent times I have experienced during the first few months of the course, both personally and academically, I honestly feel as though everything is beginning to make sense.

If everyone is being honest with themselves, I do not think that there is anyone who hasn't at some point questioned their position on the course; this is only furthered by the people who have left. However, four and a half months in and I really feel as though I belong.

As I reminisce about my first [and only] week off work since starting this course, I look back upon a very productive week; however, there much work to be done and every second counts.

Steve has very kindly given the class the opportunity of working from home on Monday the 17th of December [the day before the submission of A3 and A4]; an opportunity that I do not intend to miss [for clarity I will be working from home on the 17th].

During Monday [in particular the afternoon] the atmosphere in the class, for some, was surprisingly relaxed considering the impending submission[s] in a weeks time. This is not necessarily a bad thing as it shows that students have been making good use of their time planning and are either in front or on schedule.

I am now looking forward to the actual build of the A3 - Back to basics assignment in the New Year; the work that has gone into the A3 project, it would be a great shame not to see the site created and uploaded.

Quote of the week

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."- Derek Bok (1930-), Harvard University President


Victoria Fisher said...

I know what you mean about at some point doubting been on the course. Some time I just look around the class and see how good everyone else’s work is and I think my work isn’t as good but I am on this course to improve and learn, so hopefully I will get more confidence in my work as it gets better.

On Monday I got a lot of work done at college and I think it was because of the atmosphere. I think if it was silent I would have been stressing about all the work I have to do, but I was quiet calm which caused me to get more work done and motivated me to do more work at home.

Craig Burgess said...

It's important to make sure you're not comparing yourself to other people on the course Victoria, mainly because you'll just get yourself down about it.

Everyone develops, learns and picks things up at different speeds, so don't feel too downhearted if it seems like some people are 'better' than you.

Don't forget the reason why you're on the course - to improve your own skills. Make sure that's your number one drive, and try not to worry about everyone else.

Tom Smith said...

I agree with Craig, Victoria. I think you have the right attitude in saying that you're here to improve and learn... that's the best way to look on it, and the best attitude you can have to actually do just that.

Shaun, I agree that the chance to have next Monday at home is a good one. I seem to get work done better at home now, something that wasn't the case before I started the course. I now seem to be able to get 'in the zone' easily, at the flick of a mental switch. I couldn't do this before, my attitude to work was just chance on my mood.

Suzanne Hullah said...

I believe that next Monday will be a very productive day for all of us. We'll be working in the environment that is most comfortable for us and therefore will be able to motivate ourselves better.

I personally think that going into college will benefit me most. At this late stage of assignments, I tend to question everything that I've done to make sure I've done it right. With Steve on hand, I hope that I won't be the panicky mess I usually am on deadline eve!

Rebecca Bradley said...

I was the same about thinking that I shouldnt really be on the course. But when you think about it there wasnt that many places to get on to the course so every one in the class must have something special to actually be on the course.

But as vicky says when you look around the class and you see what work people are doing it does make you think that my works not as good as every one elses. But if I knew every thing about the course then I wouldnt be there, so thats why every one is there to learn and improve there standard of work.

James Bell said...

I am also looking forward to building the website. It will hopefully be a very fun and creative assignment that will get us all back into the rhythm of the doing the assignments after returning from the Christmas holiday.

John Browne said...

Well spoken Shaun. The words of wisdom show yet again. As it seems from the the atmosphere on both Monday and Tuesday, the main part of the work has been completed by the majority of students in our role of education. Whats been the main struggle for me this time round is the imaging required for the assignment, as a lot have been found and yet some havent gained feedback.

This time to make completely sure that the assignment is at a fit state to hand in, I am concentrating this week solely on including the references, completing the feedback form, and the assetts list as some of this was my major downfall in the past.

personaly I would also like to see my, and every ones website at a fully completed and user interactive state some time after the following assingment.

Good luck on finishing this Shaun. I hope monday proves useful!!!

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.

DREW said...

I remember being at the stage of the course you guys are at now. I myself was desperate to make the first site as it seems like quite a big build up when you have spent four months on the course. I know for me it was difficult because the first part of the course is heavily based in theory and, like you say, it tests people and some leave. I think this is almost the purpose of how the course is structure to weed out those who are not committed.