Friday, 7 December 2007

Image Restoration



Feedback please everyone... [be nice :-) ]

Thank you in advance


John Browne said...

Nice choice of colour Shaun. The tropthy does seem a little over powering with it been a very bright assett in the middle of a dull picture. But other then that the colour is ok. Perhaps you may need to doa little more work on the face of the right character as his chin appears to be melting and there's a line of some sort across his eyes.....

Liam Corfield said...
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Suzanne Hullah said...

From a quick look at your restoration, you have done the same thing that I did.

As you zoom in near his shoulder, you'll see that there is slight pixelation which is only seen at about 200% which can be amended with the clone stamp very easily.

Your colours are very appropriate to the time the photo was taken. Nice Job!

Anonymous said...

Comment deadline.

Marc Pugh said...

Nice job so far, but from a distance you can still see where the damage was before. It shouldn't take long to crease out these tiny errors though. Remember, the smaller brush, the better.

Mark Torrington said...

Nice work Shaun, however I have to agree with marc you can still see the diagonal line. Have you tried using the polygonal lasso tool to isolate parts of the photograph with a the same tonal range, before using the clone stamp tool with a small feathered brush?. Your eye is attracted to the shoulder of the man to the right. You might want to retouch this area first.

Finally, if you adjust the levels slightly the contrast of the photograph could be restored.

Liam Corfield said...

Hi Shaun

I would have to agree with JB, very good use of colour, the trophy needs dulling down a little, but that can be done with the opacity tool. there are a few marks neer the bottom right, you may be able to hide them by unsharpening the image a little