Tuesday, 18 September 2007

For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned...

Wow... another week over. The realisation of how fast the last three weeks have gone is now upon me and as the ever more pressing submission date is closing in, I can only see the situation amplifying. The importance of strong time management is ever more evident. I am pleased however, with the level of work I have done so far and feel on schedule. Following my second ever seminar group, I have realised that I have adopted a slightly different direction with my work to what is required of me; however, as quickly as the realisation was upon me, ideas for alteration and improvement and redirection were brewing.

The low point for me this week is realising that I have taken a slight miss-direction with the approach to my work; however, remaining ever positive, I see this as a learning curve and take it on the chin.

The highlight of this week for me was the purchase of a football for use at dinner time. Not course related I hear you say; however, I have found that after the physical exhaustion of playing football in the afternoon, everyone has worked out their 'wiggles and fidgets' and seam to get on with their work really well upon the return from lunch. Partly due to this interaction, the group as a whole, both socially and professionally, I feel is beginning to grow together; this can only be a good thing.

Its seams that I am now finding inspiration from just about everywhere, taking into consideration both attractive, well constructed design work and web site structures, and equally poor work for things to follow and as important, things to avoid.

The Google based 'Web Developer Toolbar' is proving ever more useful with every day that passes for assessing both your own and other people work. It is interesting to see just how many large websites do not comply to the relevant web standards.

In conclusion, (pardon the cliché), "Work Hard - Play Hard". The balance of the two will make for a very health and productive working environment.

Inspirational Quote of the week...
“Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't
own it, but you can use it. You can't keep
it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it
you can never get it back.” - Harvey MacKay


Suzanne Hullah said...

I have to agree about the dinnertime football, every time you came in afterwards, although slightly redcheeked, the lessons were more settled than the morning.

looks fun to watch too!

John Browne said...

I must say this is an inspiring blog entry and it is actualy all true. I much like the Quote of the week. well done Shaun...

Mark Torrington said...

Excellent quote Shaun!

John Browne said...

Trust you to pick up on some of my own errors. Like I said during the week I am not perfect and i dont mind people pointing out my errors. It can only be know as the way forward. I'll catch you of guard one day!!!

John Browne said...

And what a suprise, ive already cought you out.

Paragraph 3 - seam - seem
paragraph 4 - seams - seems
Paragraph 5 - other people work - other people's work
paragraph 5 yet again - health - healthy

Chris Towell said...

Another good tool to download is the web developers toolbar FireFox 2. I know FireFox is on the college computers but I don't think you can install onto this one. It is available as a portable apps (google it) and install it to your stick.

This allows you to basically 'rip a website to shreds' disabling the CSS, removing images and allows you to view and modify the code for the live website and see what does what. Ideal if you're unsure of CSS.

Chris Towell said...

Sorry you also need to then install the developers tool onto FireFox but it is a lot better than IE anyway and plus as the course progresses you'll be 'asked' to test it in alternative browsers.