1. Produce valid XHTML 1.0 Stict & CSS 2.1 code.- Working to professional standards.
- To aid cross browser & cross platform compatibility [including screen readers].
- Reduce site-wide load times [when compared to inline / internal styles].
- To aid SEO.
- W3C Validator for XHTML & CSS used to measure goal.
2. Level A WCAG 1.0 conformance.- Working to professional standards.
- Websites should be to accessible to as wide an audience as possible.
- WCAG conformance check-list to be used to measure goal.
3. Maximum 3 page loads to get to desired content from the home-page.- To aid usability / site navigation.
- As recommended by Steve Krug [Krug [2000], Don’t Make Me Think’, circle.com. Pg. 41.]
- Site structure diagram & usability testing to provide evidence.
4. Portfolio to be up dated using a CMS.- To aid ease of updating & maintainability.
- To further develop CMS knowledge.